Wednesday, November 16, 2011

So…what’s new?

I am glad you asked! Monday my sweet Grayson turned 7 months old!! Where in the world did time go? He is doing so well. Let me try and break it down...
Eating- Grayson now eats squash(all types), sweet potato, carrots, peas, green beans, apples, pears, bananas, avocados, peaches, plums, prunes, yogurt, blueberries, chicken, and bread! He loves to eat!
Development- I swear if he could he would just get up and walk around. He has started getting up on all fours and pivots when he is on his tummy to get  to his toys. He can close the boxes on his pop up toy and likes to turn pages in his books. He is sitting up very well now and loves it! He can grab his Gerber puffs and bring them to his mouth(although some times he misses) and he is experimenting with a sippy cup. He babbles like crazy and has perfected his belly laugh!
Sleeping- Grayson sleeps from 7:30pm to about 6:30 to 7:00am and still takes two naps a day. It took us awhile to get him napping in his crib but he has been for awhile.
I am just amazed at Grayson’s development because he progresses with no  help from me. Being a parent with a child with special needs, I don’t take that for granted.
In other news, our house got hit with the stomach virus this past weekend. Can I hear a collective “EWW GROSS” because it was not pleasant. We are recovering nicely although Grayson still does not want to eat his solid foods and my milk supply tanked due to the sickness but hopefully we will be back to normal soon.

Family- r

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