On January 10th 2010, our family lost a great man. My husband's grandfather, paw paw, passed away in his home with his wife by his side. This past Saturday was his Memorial. Every one had a chance to write their favorite memory to put into the memory box. I couldn't focus enough to write mine down so instead I will put it here.

I got to know Paw paw better when my husband and I moved in with them after our son was born. Paw paw suffered from Alzheimer's. In the two years I lived there, the disease progressed. When I would see him I wasn't quite sure if he remembered who I was.
One day he became very sick so everyone was upstairs helping out, worried that he may have to go to the hospital. During that time he was no longer calling me by name, but I could tell on some days that he would recognize me. He was having trouble getting around so myself and another was helping him into his chair. He was holding my hand as we lowered him down. I put his hand on his lap and turn to go down the hall. I turned around when I heard him say, "Thank you Beth".
He remembered me. I am not even sure if he knew how much that meant to me. That phrase stayed with me as I remember that day very well. We were all so worried about him. He was a great man and will be greatly missed by many.