A quick disclaimer: No I have not been admitted the hospital again, or been in another car accident, or having any contractions or pre-term labor, and yes Grayson is still hanging out safely in my belly. Just wanted to say that up front so my mom's blood pressure doesn't go through the roof. ;) Love you mom!
Pregnancy related swelling (or edema) has arrived. I am not happy about it at all. Yes I am stomping my feet with my hands on my hips! With around 6 weeks left with this pregnancy I thought for sure I could get away with a least a few more weeks without this concern. Oh my, I guess not. It started on Thursday and it took close to 24 hours to go away. I also was not feeling well on Thursday but that resolved by Friday morning. I have been bed bound pretty much the whole time since Thursday but I had the pleasure of having my sister's company on Friday while I was on bed rest. She brought me lunch and a movie. Thanks sis! A lot people would call it typical pregnancy swelling but with absolutely no warning before the stroke last time, nothing is labeled typical. We are not terribly concerned at this point, doctor included, because my blood pressure continues to look fantastic so right now it is something we just have to keep an eye on. Rest, rest, and rest as well as water, water, and more water...that is what the doctor has ordered. I wonder if they see a flaw in that plan though? I am supposed to rest and drink a lot of water...but I spend a lot , I mean A LOT, of time going back and forth the bathroom because of the water....hmmmm. Seriously though, the water does work. I will talk to him more about it on Tuesday when I go in for my super lengthy appointment.In other news, I am really enjoying the sunshine but I have had to become very creative on how to enjoy it since I can't do to much. If only I had a off roading wheel chair....a girl can dream! Right now I am sitting on the porch watching hubby plant the new plants we bought today. I can't wait to see how this yard is going to turn out!