Wednesday, March 2, 2011

29 weeks

So I tried to take a picture of my 29 week belly but it was a little to difficult without the hubby here. Maybe next week. Anyways, I went in yesterday for my super lengthy doctor's appointment and, despite the troubles of the testing and needle poking, everything went well. I can not say it enough that I LOVE Dr. R. He makes me so calm!

I am not showing any signs of toxemia so we believe the swelling it just that...typical pregnancy related swelling. I keep my feet up at work(with doctor approval) and stay on the couch with my feet elevated at home. My house is a disaster when my husband is working but oh well. Cleaning can wait!

The glucose tolerance test take #2 was yesterday as well. I passed my the skin of my teeth...literally. My plans are to alter some of my meals to be more diabetic friendly even though I don't have gestational diabetes.  Better safe than sorry.

Unfortunately the appointment and my morning wasn't that great. I had to fast for the glucose test. The last time I did the fasting glucose test I ended up with horrible contractions so this time I took some protein bars and water with me to eat and drink once my test was complete. It still didn't work. I was overcome with contractions while sitting in the parking deck. Luckily I was due to take my next Procardia dose soon and with some Tylenol and even more water it resolved very quickly. I also got the first round of the steroid shot yesterday for Grayson's lungs and I am not proud to say that I almost fainted. I was quite a site to see yesterday let me  tell you. This shot is a thick consistency similar to a penicillin shot if you have ever had one and plus I am a big wuss to pain. I offered up my right side first because I have very little feeling on that side due to the stroke but I do feel pain, usually it is different than the left side and the pain is delayed. I think my body over reacts when I experience pain, hence the almost fainting. I knew it could go two ways...I wouldn't feel it or I would be in a world of hurt. I am guessing you know which way that went ;)

I went back today for  the second dose and I offered my left side and while it still hurt, it wasn't as bad. I am going back on March 15th for a growth ultrasound and then I will start the non-stress tests after that. It is getting closer with around 6 more weeks to go! I am getting very excited! I did mention to the doctor yesterday that since I suffered a minor nervous breakdown with last week's swelling, BJ and I want to nip this pregnancy in the bud at 35 weeks and he agreed. So there you go! A long update...but hopefully informative and possibly to much information...sorry about that!

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