Pappy C!
Meet my new CPAP machine. I call it Pappy C! Yes I did name my CPAP because I love it so much! I have been struggling with fatigue for quite some time and finally went to a doctor that decided to do a sleep study as opposed to medicating me like the last doctor I was going to. I described my sleeping habits to her and she felt that I might have sleep apnea.
The first step in the process was to see a Pulmonary doctor to be evaluated for a sleep study. Right after seeing the doctor I was informed that they were going to put a scope down my nose and into my airway to determine if a sleep study was necessary. I was shocked!! I wasn't told before hand that I would have to have this test done so I had not mentally prepared. (I am kinda a wuss with a very low pain tolerance) Turns out that it wasn't that bad. He had me do a breathing exercise that showed that my airway immediately collapsed. It was official then that I had sleep apnea he just wasn't sure of the severity.
Next came the sleep study. For those who have never had one, it is pretty uncomfortable. They did give me some medication to help me sleep but it really didn't help. I had a pretty restless night, mainly because all the wires glued to my head.
I received the test results a week later and was diagnosed with Severe Obstructive Sleep Apnea with Hyper-insomnia. Meaning that I quit breathing while sleeping and sleep to much to try get rest I need. I was given two options. The CPAP or a surgery that only has a 25% chance of working. I chose the CPAP. CPAP means Continuous Positive Airway Pressure. The machine is set a certain pressures to meet your sleeping needs. It makes it possible for you sleep and still maintain your airway and oxygen saturations.
It took me about a week to get used to it. The first mask I tried sat above my lip and under my nostrils. My nose was sore for a week! Plus if the seal would ever break I couldn't breath at all. Not great when you are trying to prevent not breathing episodes. The current mask I use is wonderful and it only took me one night to get used to it. I have a new found energy and I am in a much better mood. Even betteris that my migraines have decreased some due to the increased oxygen to my brain at night.
To sum it all up, I have found that either people love their CPAP's or hate them and I definitely love mine.
Am I proud of that fact that I need a machine to breath at night?? No!
Am I glad that there is a different alternative to surgery for my treatment?? Heck Yea!
My hope and the doctor's hope is that I won't need this machine forever but for now I am happy to have it. I was hesitant to share my new love of the CPAP with others and what a great help it has been in my life but knowledge is power right? Hopefully at least one of the maybe four people that actually read my blog got something out of it. If you didn't, I am sorry! I will try to say something really smart in the next post. :)
If you have any questions about the CPAP or anything of that nature, please leave me a comment and I will be happy to answer you, and if I don't know the answer I will look up something smart and educational! Night Everybody!!!