After two months with my new friend the CPAP (more on that later), I have realized how happy and energetic I have become. I have got into a bad habit of coming home in the evenings and sitting on the couch to watch TV and play on the computer. I figured I needed to move it, move it! So in an effort to move more I am trying to stick to only short times on the computer and couch. Today I took Sadie to the new dog park close to our house. It is a really nice park and I was surprised at how big it is. It is separated into small dogs, large dogs, and a reserved section. I have seen mostly full breed, yuppie dogs, while pretty, Sadie sticks out because she has been the only mutt. They still think she is cute despite her awkwardness. Sadie feels to threatened by the large dogs and she runs over the small dogs, so we sometimes end up in the reserved section if no one is using it. She really enjoys getting to run but she tires out easily because she is not used to that much exercise. She is still trying to socialize so we will see how it goes. I wanted to take a picture of her with the other dogs but she felt the need to nip at a puppy so we had to leave. Other things I have been trying to do is cleaning small portions of the house(not doing to well with that), making dinner, etc. This is just another step to improve my health and get my rear end off of the couch!!
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