Today, the beginning of my week and most people's week, was a very busy day. I had five kiddies scheduled, four of those were one hour visits. I don't know why I scheduled such heavy days for a Monday. I guess I am just nuts! Anyways, today I was seeing children and was co-treating with my very favorite speech therapist, Jennifer. We started with getting a company car. NUMBER 4 WOO HOO!! Okay I wasn't really all that excited about the car, but I was pleased that it was mostly clean and there wasn't any leftover food in it. Don't ask...
This is after our first visit where, during that first visit, I made our speech therapist, Jennifer, go into another room so my kid would talk to me. Ironic much? I don't care much for this picture.
We stopped in a church parking lot to eat a snack since we were early to our next appointment.
But then suddenly we were distracted by something(or easily distracted)...
and we discovered
This is me leaving our second house. One hour sessions sometimes requires a lot of toys. In total I am carrying one bag for books, two bags of toys, and pop up toy that wouldn't fit into the bag.
and my toes. Just because!
Graffiti... So shameful
We were, again, early to our next appointment and stopped into our neighborhood thrift store. We restrained ourselves and didn't buy anything although we were considered purchasing this Jeep with the hope of saving on mileage. HA!
Somebody owes Center Point some money!!
Walking into our last visit. Such a long day!
YEA!!! We are finally done for the day!
Whewww what a long day! Despite that, we saw all of our kiddies, all the kids did really well, and we laughed a lot.Jennifer I really enjoyed your company today and I am happy that we are such great friends! Maybe we can do this again about two weeks ;).
I couldn't think of a better way to spend my Monday!
Wish I was there!! (Not really, well sort of, for lunch anyway!)