Sunday, April 17, 2011

He is here!!

So I know that I need to give an update on how everything is going so here it goes.However,  I take no responsibility for any of this that doesn't make sense ;)

On Tuesday, 4/12/11, I wasn't feeling to well. I had had a rough night beforehand and despite the resting, was still having contractions. My mom was there with me that day so every time I would have a contraction she would time them. Well apparently  they were pretty consistent and my mom convinced me to head down to labor and delivery, which all I was concerned about is that I didn't want to spend the night. Silly I know, but after being told time and time again that everything is fine, I just didn't think we would end up staying. Wrong! I was actually in labor this time. They had decided to give me some medication to stop the contractions and then another round of steroids for his lungs and deliver him on 4/14/11.

The morning of Grayson birth was exciting and nerve racking with him being born at 35 weeks and 2 days. He came out screaming!! I cried with disbelief that my son would actually cry and breathe. He was doing well and he is SOOO cute and I was able to keep him with me for a few hours. But then he started grunting to much and breathing really fast. He also felt cold and clammy. Turns out his blood sugar dropped which caused his breathing issues and because of his breathing issues he couldn't eat to get his blood sugar back up. He was admitted to the NICU and he has been doing well. He has now made it to an open air crib because he is controlling his temperature more. Our hope was to be discharged on the same day, Monday, but that is not going to happen. He has started having apnea spells related to his prematurity so that will delay his homecoming for probably another week. We are so thankful at how well he is doing.

Ok, I think that is everything. I am healing well just exhausted. I want to thank everyone for the prayers, visits, text messages, emails, etc that I have been getting. Please know that I am getting them but I may  not be able respond right away. I have been extremely focused on Grayson, his health...AND his cuteness.

Okay here are some pictures. I did not take these pictures and I have not edited the pictures but you can get the idea on how so cute he is ;)


  1. Well done y'all. He looks nice and squishy. :)

    Charlotte is sitting next to me and when she saw the picture of the baby she said "awwww, tickle tickle tickle" and waved her fingers at the screen!

  2. Ok I realize he is a brand new baby but I think he looks like you! Congratulations!!! And I hope you are getting a little bit of rest. He looks just perfect and I know you are enjoying him!
