I would like to do a monthly update in addition to all the weird rants and ravings I may post about, to give, you all that I don't see on a daily basis, an idea on whats going on in our life.
To start...
Hubby continues to work 7 days on 7 days off on the 3-11pm evening shift on the Oncology Floor of Children's Hospital. He volunteers to work a few extra shifts throughout the month to earn some extra money. He is also on his second semester of school going for his Masters of Science in Nursing with a degree of Nursing Education. I really look up to him at all he has accomplished over the last two years and he is still at it.
I am still working with children with special needs. I have a full caseload at the Arc and I still work for the state doing services on Saturdays. I am also STILL waiting for approval from the insurance company for the procedure I want...we are going on a little over a month since I submitted my paperwork...partly because the medical assistant at the doctors office let it sit on her desk forever!! Incredibly annoying... I wanted to wring her neck! MOVING ON!
I am hosting this years Thanksgiving dinner. I am so excited! Hubby thinks I am going to dry out the turkey...he also thinks I can't cook...I can, he just does it better. I will post a picture of our Thanksgiving table and it will taste good!
Hubby and I also became official members of Trinity United Methodist Church in Homewood. We have been married over 4 years and we decided to go ahead and settle down. Ha! I really like our new church and feel so comfortable there. Part of the reason it took so long to decide on a church was our upbringing. Hubby and I came from completely different Christian backgrounds. After a lot of searching, we met in the middle and are happy.
On November 6th we mourned the second anniversary of our son's death. We spent a beautiful day the Shrine of the Blessed Sacrament and just spent time together as a family. This year, Thanksgiving will also be Brayden's 3rd Birthday and we plan to eat and distribute the blankets and toys to the local hospitals.
Tune in next month(or check everyday) for another exciting post of the Campbell Family Update!!
that's really exciting about you joining trinity! i'm proud of you and enjoy seeing you pursue Christ!