I have a great marriage and I love my husband.
I have a good job and I really enjoy it.
Why do I feel so stuck? I keep waiting for the next part to start, and I feel like someone has pressed the pause button on my life. Hubby keeps encouraging me to go back to school for my Master's Degree. Sure! I don't mind. But is that really what I want to do? I'm not sure. It has been suggested on more than one occasion. "Why don't you just go get a Masters in what you do now" My answer is that I don't see the point in that. I can do what I do now with a Bachelors. Maybe I am being lazy, or maybe I am stalling because I long to do something else. Unfortunately there are so many walls and hurdles in front of me, and I don't know how to get past them. I am running out of time to decide. I have procrastinated for quite awhile and I still don't have any clarity on this.
Maybe clarity will come with more time.
(The picture above was taken at our annual trip to the Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament.)