Bubbles are a timeless, classic toy. I carry them everywhere when I see my children. Are you aware that they are magical?? They are! They can make children talk and communicate as well as allow you to put them into uncomfortable positions with little or no complaint. I have been dealing with a lot of motor kids recently and the bubbles, on more than one occasion, have saved the session. Picture this. A child that is very cognitively aware but his muscles won't work for him. I tried to get him into natural positions for play but they are uncomfortable for him. I often carry around a bench, and I used it recently to get a child into a sitting position. His feet were dangling and he had to use his upper body to sit up straight. He was not happy with me. He keep slouching over and wanting to give up. Then out comes the bubbles! Mom blows bubbles at him and he lets out this huge belly laugh and we laughed right along with him. Such a joy! He loves the bubbles and they entertained him for quite some time. After the first round of bubbles, I looked down and he was sitting up straight and with good control! Hooray for the bubbles! They saved the session yet again! Bubbles make my kids smile and smiles make my job worth it.
I take HIPPA and confidentially laws very seriously. Names, situations, gender, etc. have been changed to protect the children and their families.
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