Saturday, October 30, 2010

Baby Update

We had another ultrasound this week and the baby looks great! He or she is quite the wiggle worm! Here is a profile shot of the face. If you look close enough you can see that he or she is sticking his tongue out. The baby's heart rate was 170 this time, and it is measuring right on schedule. Aside from the nausea, everything is going really well. I have not gained any weight which is good and my blood pressure has  been nice and low. Next Tuesday I will be officially 12 weeks and I can stop taking the progesterone supplements. Woo Hoo!!!! Hopefully that will help clear up some of the nausea but if not, I still have my Zofran. My doctor is seeing me every three weeks so our next visit will be without an ultrasound but hopefully we will get to see our little one again soon!!


  1. Aww! I love when they go from looking like a bean to a little person! By the way, I still think its a girl!

  2. My grandbaby is cute ..was there any doubt about that?

  3. so happy for all of you

    with prayers and blessings

  4. i hope you feel better
