Saturday, September 1, 2012

New Name

The blog name has changed. Why? Because I can and because I don’t think it is safe to assume how many children there are going to be in our family. God laughs at me when I do that. I have very little control in that timing as I have to two wonderful toddlers that are two months apart. Adoption has captured our hearts! So I figure it is best not to poke the bear and change things up a bit. ;)
The name has some meaning for me. During the last few years I have gone through some darker times dealing with grief and PTSD.  During my time while dealing with this, my therapist and I have always made it a point to make sure that I always have something to  look forward to. It could be a birthday or a holiday, but since night time sometimes makes me anxious, I could always look forward to the mornings.
There is a always a new morning and a chance to begin again.

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