So we surprised and shocked that we were able to close on the house on Wednesday. I am officially a homeowner. The responsibilities of that is a little overwhelming...but I am so happy that we are finally in this stage of life.
So now we move into moving. I have packers coming on Monday and movers coming on Tuesday. I cleaned the house today and installed the shelving in the Master closet.
The only other thing I need to decide on is Brayden. I have continued to put this off for awhile now mainly because I got very anxious and emotional when we first talked about moving him. Just to be clear for those that don't know. We had our son cremated. I am not crazy, or nutty, or senile...I am a mother. So if this post gets to be a little to much for you, you don't have to read it. Anyways...I DO NOT feel comfortable with the moving company actually moving Brayden. The thought of it sends me into a panic. I also do not want him at here when they are packing and moving for fear that he will be knocked over or fall from the current place that he resides. So I have a few options to consider and I will have to make the decision by tomorrow.
Option One: I can take him to the new house tomorrow and put him in a safe place where the movers would have no reason to even notice him.
Option Two: I can take him to my parents house and leave him over there for two days.
Option Three: I can take him to work with me those two days. (Keeping in mind that my coworkers don't mind and I can keep him out of view to others.)
So those are my choices. I understand that many people don't understand this current issue I am having but all I can say is that I am a mother and I can't apologize for my feelings. However, I am glad that I can write it out and hopefully come back with some clarity and I appreciate those that read this entire all over the place, crazy post!
Now I am going to eat some dinner, wait for my hubby to get home, and enjoy one of my last nights in our Homewood house! Happy Weekend everyone!!!