Monday, July 5, 2010


Do you like my new design on the blog? I get bored easily if you haven't noticed! Not much has been going on. Still working and such. We close on our new house in two weeks!! I plan to take some pictures when we do the last walk through. Can't wait!!! Things are FINALLY moving forward. My black cloud has lifted for the moment and I believe and hope it will stay away for awhile.

Something new!! We have been going to the young adult special needs bible study for several weeks now and I absolutely love it! I didn't feel uncomfortable at all. You know I always thought that the infants and toddlers that I work with are unique and special in their own way but I have figured out why they shine to me. They have a special connection to God that the rest of us(speaking for myself) don't have. They are pure and innocent and I can feel their prayers going to right to His heart. On my first visit with them, to hear their prayer requests was so overwhelming. It is like I knew that if I really needed prayer they would be there. I felt so protected. The ladies that have been running the bible study have been so thankful that we are there and have told us that often, but the truth is, is that these young people have helped me more than I think they can even understand. I am so happy that we have decided to this. Hubby and I have both been going and we hope to help them grow their program.

So that is all I have for now. Just enjoying sitting on the couch with my Hubby playing on our computers. Hopefully I will have something more to post tomorrow.

P.S. I have lost two and half pounds since my adjustment last week!! Yea!!!!

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