Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Halfway There!

Today I am halfway there...well not technically since he is coming five weeks early but no sense in splitting hairs over it. Today marks 20 weeks into my pregnancy. Here is what I do the majority of my day...even at work if needed....
Resting...it's what I do! Everything continues to go well. I feel extremely blessed that nothing is really required of me at home. BJ takes care of everything from the cooking to the cleaning and my family is  a half a mile away if I need anything while he is working...like dinner ;)  I cannot imagine going through this pregnancy without the great support system that I have. I don't know how women without a support system do it. I am learning my limitations on what I can and can't do , if it may bring on cramps or contractions.  I haven't had a real bad night since last Wednesday and I am happy about that. I continue to take the medicine everyday to keep my uterus "calm" and I also take Tylenol and Benadryl as needed as well. I am extremely lucky and thankful to know another mom that has been through this before and went on to deliver a healthy, full term baby. She has been sharing all of her secrets with me to keep the pain at bay.

I am flat our refusing to step on the scale until next week because I really don't want to know how much weight I may have gained with the holidays, so no news  there! I return to the doctor next week for another ultrasound to look closer at the little one's heart, lip, and palate, AND confirm, for my mother's sake, that he is a BOY! She thinks I am walking around with twins in my belly...Ha! We will also plan our appointment with the Maternal Fetal Specialist that day as well. I continue to crave ANYthing beef or spicy. I can also never get enough Mexican food, however with the growing little one, my heartburn is starting to bother me some so Tums are being used quite often now.

I hope everyone has a Happy New Year!! I will update next week after our next appointment.


  1. Yay for Halfway There! And I hope the next 15 weeks are just as healthy and happy!

  2. OMG! Seeing 15 weeks in print kinda scares me a little bit. I guess I better start getting his room ready!

  3. I thought it was a girl!!!! what happen? I must have missed a post. I thank God things are going well for you three.

  4. Take a breath- 15 weeks is still 3 and a half months! You have time. And if the nursery isn't ready in time for the baby, who cares? Its not like they sleep in there at first anyway.
