So I had been preparing for my last lunch with my ladies and I had this great idea to get them bags for their toys with their names on them. I searched all over
Trussville and found the perfect bags in four different colors. I called my mommy-in-law and asked if she could embroider their names on the bags and she said that she could so I dropped them off with her. Fast forward a couple of days,
GG(aka mommy-in-law) calls me to tell me that the bags are to thick to embroider. Okay, no need to worry just yet. With that news, we both set out to find new, thinner bags. After about 7 or so stores the only bags we found were really ugly. We formed a new idea. Iron on! So I headed out on Sunday to
GG's house to get our Iron on! Here are the pictures!
The starting product...
GG doing her thing!

The design she came up with. She is pretty talented isn't she!

Our trial is a good thing that we did that trial run...OOPS!!

My job, pull the bag as tight as I can to keep the foam from warping. Seeing as how that was my only thing I could really help with, I did it well. But really, we literally held our breath through each one for fear of messing it up!

The finished product!!!

Thank you GG for doing this for me! They turned out so great!!!
Thank you so much!!! We all love them so much!